Chat Rules

1. Membership

  • 1.1. You must be 18 years old to be in this chat or attend our events. No exceptions.
  • 1.2. You must have a publicly visible @username on Telegram.
  • 1.3. The Telegram account you join with should belong to you, and should not be used to impersonate another person or a character that doesn’t belong to you. Please no shared accounts.
  • 1.4. Users who hold disruptive or dangerous viewpoints (right-wing politics, pro-zoophilia, pro-cubporn etc.) or engage with similarly motivated behaviors or intent will be ejected with extreme prejudice. If evidence is brought to an admin that conduct has occurred outside of an event or chat that is grounds for ban.

2. Expected Conduct

  • 2.1. Treat everyone in the chat with respect at all times, even if you dislike them or disagree with them.
  • 2.2. Transphobia, racism, and other forms of hate speech (including imagery such as swastikas, SS runes, “thin blue line” flags, etc.) are never permitted, even jokingly.
  • 2.3. Defense of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, and other deliberate misinformation campaigns is not tolerated.
  • 2.4. Don’t whine about the topic. You will encounter topics of all nature in this chat. If you don’t like the topic, wait to post. An admin will end the topic if (in their judgment) it becomes disruptive.
  • 2.5. No heavy roleplaying (try to move it to PM’s when you are going that route to keep the chat clean).
  • 2.6. Self-promotion is okay with prior admin approval. Just keep it limited to products or services for sale/barter and do not repost the same content on repeat. Please check with admins Do not bump/repost self-promotions; you have to ask each time.
  • 2.7. This community is not an emotional support channel. Talking about your problems and asking for advice is fine, but trauma dumping and getting upset/despondent when no one answers you is not. Never state or imply that you are considering suicide or other forms of self-harm; seek help instead from a qualified crisis resource. Furthermore, individuals who leave and come back repeatedly may be unable to. If you need time away, simply mute the chat and we look forward to you once able!
  • 2.8. Don’t privately message people in the chat without asking unless it’s clear that they are PM-friendly, and don’t use the chat space to evade blocks.

3. Sharing Media

  • 3.1. Posting, defending, or linking to sites that allow cub porn (or roleplaying it) is grounds for an immediate ban.
  • 3.2. Adult content (including nudity) is permitted, but it shouldn’t be your only contribution to the chat, and you should never post explicit content of someone else unless that person is present in the chat and clearly (visibly to the chat) consenting.
  • 3.3. Don’t spam stickers or GIFs, and don’t post shaky/flashy GIFs (as they might trigger photosensitive seizures in certain people).
  • 3.4. Keep memes/shitposting to a bare minimum.
  • 3.6. Unauthorized distribution of paywalled content (Patreon, SubscribeStar, etc.) is grounds for an immediate ban.
  • 3.7. Don’t encourage, promote, or provide links to media piracy.

4. Moderation Policy

  • 4.1. The chat administrators’ primary function is to take any and all necessary action to prevent and/or mitigate disruption to the group, even if the behavior in question is not specifically addressed by these rules. That may include taking your conduct outside of this chat into consideration.
  • 4.2. Do not be a rules lawyer. If an admin tells you to do/not to do something in the chat, follow their instructions and don’t argue with them in the chat, even if you disagree. If you need to redress grievances, take it to private messages with the admin(s) if necessary.
  • 4.3. Don’t be a backseat admin. If we need more admins, we will open for applications.
  • 4.4. Don’t block the admins. If we need to address something with you privately and are unable to do so, you may be removed from the group.